Fixed bug parsing a long (>200characters) !ASSIGN listFixed bug associated with settng specific variances to zero.Added !NCZ qualifier to !MBF as alternative to setting columns in function 2nd argument. If you are not at least using build 1.60, update now.
Category: Uncategorized
March 4 2022; Build 1.60
Fix recent (1.59) bug in processing with !GDENSE qualifier.Fix recent (1.58) bug reporting labels of class levels in .ess/.etb files From build 1.58, if Echidna is invoked with no arguments, it entersa MenuMode with options to and edit an existing command file,create a command file […]
March 1 2022; Build 1.59
This build incorporates faster processing of larger jobs achieved by using block processing of the mixed model equation for absorption and inversion. The gain depends on the sparsity pattern of the mixed model equations and is greatest with less sparse patterns.
January 25 2021; Build 1.58
From build 1.58, if Echidna is invoked with no arguments, it entersa MenuMode with options to and edit an existing command file,create a command file based on a data file (with variable labels)and process the command file. This will allow Mac users to use Finder. […]
December 8 2021; Build 1.57
Thank God for all His blessings in 2021 through Jesus Christ.At Christmas we remember Jesus came to give his life a ransom for all. Fix intermittent bug reporting class names of PEDIGREE factor.Fix addressing errors with large workspace.
October 4 2021; Update 1.56
Extended PREDICT … !TDIFF to report critical values when using residual idv(units)
September 28 2021; Update 1.55
Calculate Denominator DF and F probability in simple univariate modelsReport Bonferroni & Tukey critical values for PREDICT treatment !TDIFFFix XML formatting errors
August 21, 2021; Update 1.54
Echidna now sets variances in a diag() structure which approach zero to exactly zero which is equivalent to dropping the associated effects from the model. Be wary in case this new feature doesn’t work properly in your particular model.Several issues with fitting Factor Analytic models […]
July 07 2021; Update 1.53
Allow at(Loc,’Orange’,’Bathurst’).Geno model term syntax. The class labels may not be truncated.!RES qualifier saves data and residuals in a _RES.bin binary file.Some bug fixesAbsorb DIAG-NODE improves speed in some jobsSparse Ci MTNODE allows GRM models to run fasterSystemEnvironment variable Echidna_qual=… parsed after the data line. […]
May 11 2021; Update 1.52
Revised parsing of the model line to resolve a few issues. Hopefully everything else still works.Revised processing of !A and !I class name lists to resolve some problems. Hopefully all issues are now resolved. If you have build 1.51, I recommend you update it promptly.Allowed […]