I wish all who read this grace and peace through Jesus Christ in 2025.
Apple Silcon build without graphics included in this release
The Mac download package (1.94 and later) contains two Echidna executable programs.
/Applications/Echidna.app/Contents/MacOS/echidna is for CPUTYPE x86_64 (Intel) hardware
/Applications/Echidna.app/Contents/MacOS/echidna_AS is for CPUTYPE arm64 (Apple) hardware
The terminal command echo $CPUTYPE should confirm which you have.
The Intel version is built with Intel’s oneapi Fortran compiler and requares XQUARTZ be also installed to support the (Winteracter) graphics library.
The apple version is quilt with gfortran and does not include any graphical features.
You may need to make the installed files executable using
sudo chmod +x /Applications/Echidna.app/Contents/MacOS/echidna
sudo chmod +x /Applications/Echidna.app/Contents/MacOS/echidna_AS
This Intel build can be used from Finder (it uses a Menu) as well as from the command line in a Terminal Window.
The menu also makes it easier to access the User Guide.
Please email your feedback to support@EchidnaMMS.org
Other patches
Update !CENTER on GRR statement (forming GRM matrix from 012 marker data)
and better handle packed marker data (Montaldo)
VCC fix bug parsing xfab test job