- Fix bug in L5 !PROBIT !MARGINAL ~ mu !r SIRE
- Problem with filename with embedded blank not enclosed in “”
- Added !SAVE qualifier to GRM input line
- Add !GDENSE qualifier to model qualifiers
- Added !DENSE n qualifier to model qualifiers
- Fixed rrk(Tr).grm(An) bug in LogL value and parameter estimation
- Add GRM qualifier !TRIM IDtrim ID trimids.txt
- Fixed bug with ID !A 22000 !L ID.txt followed by Sire !A 2000
- PREDICT tree x 10 20:160 !AVE x predicts growth curve and averages predicted values
- Fixed bug in working variables for us(2).tree
- Fixed bug parsing multiple .grm filenames embedded in quotes
- Fixed rrk(Tr).grm(An) bug in LogL value and parameter estimation
- Limited DENSE equations to 800
- Fix PREDICT bug when FA model with zero PSI
- Better SUBSET labelling in .ess file
- id(..) treated as ide()
- reports invalid argument to !WEIGHT
- Reported Adjusted Loglikelihood for GLMM
- Report record number in .esy file, and missing values where available as predicted value
- VPREDICT Add K coeff and M VG 1 NRM for random regression