Add !SPLIT qualifier to PREDICT statementThis splits the .epv file into multiple files indexed by thePREDICT statement number (xx), writing the primary predict tableto a file …_PCT_ii.epv and all other associated output to a file…_PCH_ii.epv. The PVT file can be easily loaded into R or […]
Patches and recent notes
Echidna build 1.78 3 August 2023
The equation ordering algorithm has been updated which should allow larger jobs to run faster.
May 17 2023 Build 1.77
Improved equation ordering for GRM models Miscellaneous bug fixes and improved coding checks.
March 3, 2023 Build 1.76
Form GRM matrix from marker (.grr) file as per ASReml code including Additive, Dominance and A*A, A*D and D*D relationship matrices. A Revised GBLUP and QTL document in Resources section discusses most of the GBLUP and QTL options in ASReml and/or Echidna Fixed bug calculating […]
January 16, 2023 Build 1.74
<pedigree file> !SAVE fix error in writing .aif file <GRM file> !HINV <filename> added !HSKIP qualifierFixed bug processing !CYCLE 1:10
January 11 2023 Build 1.73
Every good gift is ultimately from God through Jesus Christ.Do not neglect to thank Him. I wish you His grace and peace in 2023. The main fix in build 1.73 is in fitting the model term xfa1(Loc).Geno.xfa1(Year) Remember to update every six months at least. […]
December 12, 2022 Build 1.72
Inserted response variable name and CYCLESTR in .evp file.Improved parsing of !CYCLE
December 7 2022 Build 1.71
Three files added to the resources page: Numerator Relationship matrix, Ruduced Animal Model and notes from my recent invited talk to the Australsian Applied Stats meeting held at Inverloch, Victoria. Program changes:Echidna can get start values from an .msv file (written by ASReml)Fixed !CYCLE 1:5 […]
November 18 2022 Build 1.70
Fixed bug in R script generated with !RML qualifier. Use harveyESS=read.csv(“harvey.ess”,header=T,strip.white=T) to read in the .ess file.
November 9, 2022; Build 1.69